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TREEmendous Miami Day! 

Mark your calendars because July 24th is TREEmendous Miami Day!


TREEmendous Miami is the premier all volunteer, nonprofit tree-planting group in South Florida. It works to restore and increase the tree canopy in Miami-Dade County. In its 16-year history, TREEmendous Miami has planted more than 25,000 trees. This has been done through city, county and state grants as well as private donations.


The group has planted and maintained trees at schools, in parks, in blighted areas, along main thoroughfares, numerous neighborhood streets and the restoration of the historic Miami City Cemetery. They are the only tree-planting group that goes back and maintains its trees.

TREEmendous has engaged thousands of volunteers in the process, including more than 6,700 students who have earned community service hours by volunteering while learning about the importance of trees in our environment.


An ongoing project is along US1 from the end of I-95 to Bird Road, along the the Metrorail route. Its colorful design is viewed by a captive audience of rush hour drivers, moving slowly enough to appreciate the great variety of tropical plantings. This project is a model of linear landscaping for the thousands who see it every day.



Additionally, TREEmendous has been at the forefront of restoring Virginia Key Beach. Invasive trees had to be removed which left the island in a precarious position. Since 2007,

TREEmendous Miami has been responsible for numerous plantings and guidance as the ecosystem is restored.


In particular they have put in thousands of trees, shrubs and vines. Recently the group with their volunteers planted 11,000 sea oats. The restored habitat will provide food and a resting area for the song birds returning from Central and South America and nesting places for the sea turtles.


See the full article here



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